Forest Lakes District EFCA
The podcast for the Forest Lakes District of the Evangelical Free Church of America.
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
We know that believers grow as they abide in God's word, but how do we equip people to be in the word for themselves and to teach others how to do the same?
We too often rely on curriculums that give people step by step instructions on how to study a passage, like GPS. What if we could teach them how to read a map so that they could study any passage through simple, reproducible principles?
This session will give an overview of principles you could use to equip people to study God's word and demonstrate one of those principles.
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
A pastoral or leadership transition comes with growing pains, but it does not have to completely rock your church! Come learn what it looks like to implement a healthy pastoral transition in your congregation. Matt Metzger & Chris Dolson of Blackhawk Church recently walked through this transition and will be sharing about their process & giving some tips and tricks for a successful transition. You do not need to just be a Senior Pastor to attend. If your church has an upcoming transition, this workshop is for you!
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
These have been difficult times and families are experiencing stressors and pressures at high levels. This is reflected by the significant onset of mental health challenges in our children. We have an opportunity to minister to families in ways that extend compassionate care and support. This training educates and familiarizes you on the characteristics and dynamics of distress in the family and offers building blocks for resilience and support.
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
Reignite the missionary identity of your church. In this workshop we will help you develop a tool you can use to better understand how God wants to use your church to reach your community with the Gospel.We will provide a brief overview of the three main components of a Cultivate Cohort:
Developing a missional strategy for the makeup of your unique community.
Casting a clear and compelling vision for your church to make an impact for Jesus in your city, town, county or neighborhood.
Becoming more intentional about making disciples who make disciples
We will also share how to prayerfully prepare your church to meaningfully participate in an upcoming Cultivate Cohort.
Monday May 08, 2023
19. Idol Lies Leaders Believe (Dee Brestin, Spring 2023)
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
For two decades, I had a full time administrative assistant to help with retreats. Though each successive woman I hired planned to be long-term, after a few years, she’d resign. I was blind to my hidden heart idol of control. God opened my eyes and showed me how He could overcome this idol and others! Beautiful fruit replaced the rotten fruit in my life and ministry. Listen to learn more!
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
We know that God is the Protector. We also know that He tells us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
This seminar will encourage you to “harden” your church or ministry as a potential target. In today’s world, the church, the Bible and its believers draw potential criticism, demonstrators, and attacks. We must be aware - taking proactive steps to plan for medical, natural and man-made issues and emergencies.
Due diligence to protect those attending our churches is required by law and a priority for church leadership. Come to this seminar to learn more about safety equipment, policies and procedures, best practices. Come with questions!
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
We want to have the greatest impact we can on our students. My goal is that you leave this training with a nugget you can take home that will make you a more effective preacher. For those who do not have a defined process for how to set up a message, or would like to understand a different way to work through a text, we will talk through a process of how to prepare a sermon. We will also talk about engaging our students by the way we communicate His Word.
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
One Hope Research recently released a 54-page report on religious attitudes and behaviors of teenagers in the United State. In this study, they found that 51% of teens (ages 13-19) identify as Christian. However, the research also revealed that only 8% of those who identified as “Christian” would classify as a “committed Christian” who upholds a biblical worldview. From this research, we can conclude that the majority of teens are graduating from student ministries without a firmly grounded and fully formed biblical worldview. In this session, we will seek to establish that apologetics (defending one’s faith) is a vital aspect of student ministries, overview the types of apologetic topics that are most relevant to Gen Z, and demonstrate how to effectively teach apologetics in a student ministry setting.
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
15. Building a Discipleship Culture in Student Ministries (Jed Haas, SFMLT 2022)
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” - Peter Drucker. Thinking through a great strategy is very important. The end goal is creating a powerful and empowering culture. This is the way to lead your ministry to be part of a disciplemaking movement that can multiply disciples in your ministry, your church, and beyond. As you know, you are preparing youth to multiply disciples for generations as college students, co-workers, parents, future church leaders, and beyond. You get seven years max, maybe a few more if they stick around locally. Join the conversation with me about how to create a disciplemaking culture in your student ministry.
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Mental health continues to be a challenge for students today - and all signs show this problem isn't going anywhere. This seminar designed to be a mix of teaching as well as round-table discussion so we can learn from one another in the areas of counseling and coming alongside of students in the areas of anxiety, stress management, and other mental health concerns. We will look at today's most recent stats, best-practices, as well as encourage one another in this area as we learn together.